NResponse™ performs well on all crops. This premium nitrogen product provides more flexibility in application than other nitrogen fertilizers. Specifically formulated for effective foliar and soil applications.
NResponse™ provides nitrogen to the crop in a form that will maximize the benefit. It contains the same dynamic forms of nitrogen found in other AgroLiquid Nitrogen Suite products.
NResponse™ has proven, in situations where a quick nitrogen response is needed, to improve yields and quality, compared to conventional nitrogen sources.
For more information and research results from AgroLiquid please click here
Guaranteed Anallysis & Technical Data
Guaranteed Analysis 24-0-0 with 1% Sulfur
Total Nitrogen (N).........................24.00%
2.00% Nitrate Nitrogen
2.00% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
20.00% Urea Nitrogen
Sulfur (S).........................................1.00%
Weight Per Gallon lbs/gal @680F ........ 9.84
pH @ 68 degrees Fahrenheit .............. 7.2-7.8
Freezing Point .................................... 35 oF
All information taken from the AgroLiquid Technical Manual - 9th Edition & AgroLiquid.com